community resources for the expecting family
Massachusetts Birth Connections
© 2017 Massachusetts Birth Connections
Disclaimer: As part of this website,, Massachusetts Birth Connections (MBC) provides a listing of birth professionals throughout Massachusetts. MBC provides this information "as is"; as it is given to MBC by the birth professionals listed. MBC attempts to deliver only accurate information to its users. MBC assumes no responsibility for and makes no representations with respect to the accuracy of the information. MBC makes no claim to quality of the services provided and takes no responsibility for the services or products offered by the birth professionals it lists. We recommend you interview the birth professional and research the products thoroughly to help you find the services and products that best fits you and your family's needs. Any information on MBC is not intended to replace medical advice from your medical team, doctor or midwife. Always check with your medical provider before making changes to your treatment and regarding your specific medical history. MBC's website,, contains links and references to many third party websites that are not under the control of MBC. These websites do not operate under MBC's privacy policy. We recommend that you visit the privacy policy of all third party websites you visit.
Sleep and Sleep Consultants
Title. Double click me.

Sleep? What's that?
You may hear many new parents complain that they don't get enough sleep. Of course, as parents to a new little one you will be sleeping less, be called upon in the night and will feel a bit sleep deprived...ok maybe really sleep deprived. There are many ways to get your whole family into a healthy routine and ensure you are all sleeping well. We hope the information here can be of help. Follow your providers recommendations for getting enough sleep or contact providers listed below to help you build healthy sleep routines with your baby.
Click here to read The American Academy of Pediatrics Safe Sleep Guidelines
Sleep Consultants
The Freedman Center at MSPP
Infant Sleep Workshop "Sleep, Baby, Sleep"
$30 per person / $50 per couple
The Freedman Center at MSPP
One Wells Ave, Newton MA 02459 (Ground Floor)
Wednesdays 7:00-9:00pm (check website for next start date)
Teresa Stewart, MS, MPH
Individual sleep consulting services are also available, contact the Freedman Center for more info.
Erin Evans, PhD ALM & Meg Casano BSN MA
Amy Johnson
Childbirth Education, Birth Doula, Postpartum Doula, Newborn Care Classes and Sleep Support